Human Centric Lighting
with tunableWhite

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tunableWhite - Recommendations for holistic light planning

Basic visual requirements are met by avoiding glare. The illuminance in task areas, at walls and ceilings as well as the cylindrical illuminance in the room are based on DIN EN 12464-1. Psychological parameters such as luminance, light colour, lighting mood, aesthetics or design in the context of architecture form the foundation of the emotional effects of light. The third level of HCL planning relates to the biological effects of light. Spectral shares on the user's eye are analysed over a period of time. The biological rhythm is optimally supported by artificial light in addition to daylight in all work, leisure and living areas.
In addition to the typical planning instructions of DIN EN 12464-1 regarding interior lighting, additional recommendations for the more recent planning content on biological effects of light can be found in DIN SPEC 67600. The following table provides a summary of the approaches for Human Centric Lighting planning:


Higher biological effect of light generated through Lower biological effect of light generated through
Higher irradiance Lower irradiance
Longer period of exposure Shorter period of exposure
Higher blue share Lower blue share
Wide-area light Spotlight
Dynamic light changes Constant light
Lower irradiance before the observed exposure to light**  
Light in the morning is most effective for synchronising our internal clock Light in the afternoon has less of an effect on our internal clock
** People who have adjusted to the dark for a long period of time before exposure to light are more sensitive to light and react more strongly

Ref.: DIN SPEC 67600

» Click here to download the Human Centric Lighting (HCL) guideline from

Ref.: HCL Guide by


Melanopic LED effect factors

In order to be able to implement HCL-compliant planning, Zumtobel provides data sheets on "Melanopic LED effect factors" for all Zumtobel tunableWhite products.

The specified melanopic effect factors allow the lighting designer to convert photopic (visual) into melanopic (biological) evaluation parameters. Thus, the lighting designer by further calculations can make statements regarding biological effectiveness (according to CIE S 026 / E: 2018, DIN SPEC 5031-100, DIN SPEC 67600 and WELL Building Standard) of a corresponding lighting solution. Under the aspects of "Human Centric Lighting" and "Human Centered Design", these advanced planning parameters are becoming increasingly important for optimized light quality and well-being.

Exemplary: Melanopic datasheet for LIGHT FIELDS III



Lighting Solution Partners

Greater success due to professional and efficient lighting solutions: Zumtobel provides its partners with information, support and qualifications in dealing with light.
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This Zumtobel partner program has been developed for architects who use light for creative design and want to use first-hand information, support and inspiration for that purpose.
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