ONLITE local

Emergency lighting system with self contained battery and central

The common feature of emergency lighting systems with separate battery supply is the battery integrated into every luminaire. In an emergency, this battery supplies the lamp with power, e.g. to prevent panic reactions, to ensure that people can safely leave their workstations and to indicate the escape route. Especially for small- and medium-sized buildings, this system is the perfect solution.

ONLITE local

Benefits & added value

Benefits of an emergency lighting system with separate battery

  • Minimum design requirements
  • Little installation work
  • Safe emergency operation, even in case of local power failures
  • No fireproof E30 installations required
  • No complex structural measures necessary
  • Complete system consists of standard components

Added value of ONLITE local separate battery system

Integration into general lighting system

  • Every luminaire used for general lighting can be an emergency luminaire


More safety

  • Continuously monitored systems
  • Automated tests and clear fault messages
  • Lighting technology at the highest level
  • Absolute conformity with standards


Cost reduction

  • Minimum testing and maintenance efforts
  • Automated system check
  • Automatic generation of test logs

ONLITE local


Luminaires for general lighting

Nearly any Zumtobel general purpose luminaire can be used as an emergency luminaire. A luminaire ordered as emergency luminaire is fitted with an emergency lighting unit, without impairing the luminaire's functions.

Emergency luminaires

Using a power LED and four sophisticated optics, RESCLITE paves the way to a new era of emergency lighting.

Escape sign

ONLITE comprises a wide range of escape signs that meet all requirements in terms of design and installation versatility.

ONLITE local

Auto test

Separate battery luminaires with automated test cycles

NT luminaires not linked to an SB 128 controller and NA luminaires will automatically perform the prescribed annual system tests and function tests. The tests will be performed according to pre-programmed test cycles. The luminaire status will be indicated by a bicoloured LED at the luminaire. Thus, luminaire checks are reduced to checking the luminaire status displays and manually keeping a test log book.


Tasks of the maintenance officer

Round for checking LED status displays, keeping a test log book (date and time of test performance cannot be changed).

ONLITE local

Control test

Separate battery luminaires with central monitoring by an SB 128 controller

Where ONLITE Check NT luminaires and NT emergency luminaires are connected to an SB 128 controller via DALI control, the controller takes over central control and monitoring of the entire emergency lighting system. It is no longer necessary to check each luminaire separately on site. All faults will be immediately reported and stored in the electronic test log book for at least three years.


Tasks of the maintenance officer

A quick glance at the display of the controller shows: “Everything is all right, all tests have been performed”. Errors such as lamp defects will be clearly displayed indicating the cause and position of the luminaire.

ONLITE local

Central monitoring of the emergency lighting with SB 128 controller

The centrally monitored system is not only responsible for performing all checking tasks, it is also an electronic memory. With the SB 128 controller, checking dates will never again be overlooked. Tests required not only by standards but mainly for safety reasons are performed automatically and any faults are reported immediately.


  • Minimum testing efforts: automatic performance of function and annual system tests, testing cycles freely adjustable
  • Display of system status and error messages on the SB 128 controller
  • All test results are stored in the test log book for at least 3 years
  • Reduction of maintenance efforts to a minimum
  • Various options of alarming

ONLITE local

Monitoring, visualisation and log keeping

The emergency lighting system is much more convenient and safer to control if it is linked to the system via a DALI control line and an SB 128 controller has been connected to the system. The status of all luminaires is shown at the controller, all messages such as lamp or battery faults are recorded centrally and stored in the test log book. Thus, the controller is fully responsible for the emergency lighting system.

ONLITE local

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Now you have two options: use the fam selection box to view the fam range offered in the catalogue, or access the fam configuration mode using the myfamselection box. You can always switch to the other view using the corresponding selection tab.

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    Click here to go to the product configurator at family level. This function allows you to select or deselect fam options independently to get another step closer to your customised luminaire.

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    Click here to view the fam range offered in the catalogue. All fam models that can be ordered from the online catalogue are listed here, including relevant data sheets and additional information.

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Selection:  Standard Products
1 Phasenstrahler (mit Adapter und kurzem Vorsatzring)
Názov výrobku
Bruttopreis excl. MWSt.
Obj. č.
Názov výrobku
Bruttopreis excl. MWSt.
Obj. č.
sapName 01234567

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